Wednesday 19 December 2012

Christmas Lights

Another Christmas instalment of nail polish fun from me today!
I thought I'd do this one as a tutorial too, always a little unnerving when you have no idea if a design is going to work, but here goes!

Step 1: Green base coat

To start off with, I painted my nails in a Christmas tree colour, I used George by Asda polish in 'Meteorite'.

Step 2: Matte

I then added a matte top coat, for three reasons:

1. When I bought the green polish, I also picked up the matte top coat from Asda and was excited to use it for the first time!
2. It makes for a more realistic tree colour base
3. It really makes the decorations on the tree stand out and shine more

Step 3: Black 'wires'

I then used a thin brush to paint black lines onto my nails, being careful to leave space beneath the lines for the lights to go beneath

Step 4: Add the lights

I then chose some bright colours and used a huge dotting tool to put the lights on. You could use the end of a brush for this, or whatever is handy. I wanted to use red as one of the colours here to make it more Christmassy, but couldn't find one that would really stand out against the dark green background, so I used pink instead.

Now this was all I was planning to do, but while I liked the result I didn't love it yet. I felt it was missing a little Christmas sparkle so...

Step 5: Add sparkle

I took a little dotting tool and dotted some little silver sparkles above the black lines. This makes the lines stand out a lot more and makes it a lot more shiny and fun!

Thank you for reading and please post your Christmas light inspired nails in the comments - especially if you followed this little tutorial :)

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